advocacy community

The complaining
We like to buy things, get things, enjoy them and, in the end, sell them to others or give them away.
Our lives are permeated with the joy and the hassle of wanting to do for others. With these, we all strive for a better, or more livable, quality of life.
Quality of life includes the ability to solve problems….

Our story
Did you visit our site because someone recommended Adhoc.Support, or because you were interested in protecting your consumer interests and found us through a search engine?
Time is money, knowledge is power, and although it may seem like a cliché, accept that we are the experts here. Leave it to us!
Adhoc.Support is dedicated to handling complaints and finding meaningful solutions for those who want to settle their cases peacefully.
Why should you choose Adhoc.Support’s advocacy and advocacy services? That’s what this video is about……

The power of our consumer community
Our advocacy solution analyses; evaluates; provides a global response. It adapts proactively, responds quickly to deliver solutions that serve consumers. At the same time, it can respond in a timely and effective manner by identifying manufacturer defects in a wide range of products and by quickly analysing these and related complaints.
This not only protects the interests of consumers, but also provides useful feedback to service providers and helps retailers. It is a preventive process that identifies defects at the point of sale at the manufacturer or retailer before the purchase. Thus, protecting the interests of our consumer community. The question is when faced with a problem: will there be someone with whom we can talk things through and come up with a solution that will result in a solution to our problem?…

The Adhoc.Support consumer advocacy community is built on a voluntary basis
Do you like our community? Would you like to support? Has our solution made your life better? Did we put a smile on your face? Don’t hesitate: support our work by contributing to our success and enjoy the benefits of our global advocacy community. People like to do good, to be good and to be in a group of good people. It is a community. The power of community lies in coming together. Support is one of the ways of joining forces. Come and join us! …